Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Shibbal Dae Hakkyo

For those who are unaware, the title of this entry has some foul Korean language in it. I took it from the t-shirt of a girl in one of my classes, only she had it written in English. I wasn't going to write anything down for another week, but I felt I had to get this one down.

It's grade 6 class time, and these kids are definitely my favourite group. Their English is pretty good too, so I usually spend a little more time walking around the room talking to them every class. I reach this one girl, Ei Hae Mi, who's one of the nicest, sweetest kids in the whole school, and I see she clearly has "F**K" written across her shirt (only without any censoring). I get her to hold it so I can read it all, and it says "F**king College" with a big bad-ass skull and crossbones between the two words. Of course, me, totally not thinking at the moment, decide to say to her "Oh, that's a bad English word."

It was a bit selfish of me, since there was honestly no harm in her having this shirt. She didn't know what it meant, no one around her would've given it another thought, but for some stupid reason I wanted to let her know that I could understand it and it wasn't polite. Well, after that she had her Korean teacher look at it, and a few kids asked what went on, and so I tried to say it was OK and a fun shirt, and she was all embarrassed. Phew!

My lesson learned from it all? I'm not entirely sure, though though mostly I really need to be a little more careful about any comments I'm going to make around or about kids in my school. Especially their clothes.

1 comment:

Goulash said...

haha... I came across a kid in my last school with "Too drunk to F*#K" on her shirt. She was all of 13 years old.
I thought it was both scandalous and hilarious at the same time.