Sunday, January 27, 2008

"Yeah, But You Should See The Other Guy!"

I can't think of any better way to start this blog than to come straight out and admit I got my back-side beaten up by a 16 year-old last week.

I've been going to Taekwondo now for almost a year, and every so often we get to spar with each other. Being the only person over 5'8", and weighing twice what most everyone else does, I always have to fight the toughest kids in class. And yes, they're all in high school, though that doesn't necessarily make them any less bad-ass.

This week I took a surprisingly good beating, though to be fair, I was trying more for good technique on my part and less for avoiding kicks to the abdomen. And so, every time I put out a good, well planned kick or two, the speedy little Korean student would slip in and hammer me three or four times before I could finally step back and start over again. I got some well deserved congratulations from everyone in class for doing so well, but I also have some bruised ribs and a tennis-ball sized welt on my foot from it all.

Oh, and the time before I fought this kid, I got a minor concussion. This kid is quite good, and had to fight everyone in class one day. I was at the end, so he was pretty tired, so I was able to chase him around the room. I'm all ready to (gently) finish him off, so to speak, when with my last kick to his head, I slip. Well, I had enough momentum going for me that I threw my entire body up in the air air and came down squarely on the back of my neck/skull. If it hadn't been so painful, I'm sure it would have been quite hilarious, like a cartoon character stepping on a banana peel.

I'm off to Jeju island for a school camp on Tuesday, then when I'm back Shan and I are heading to Thailand. It's getting very very exciting here, though dealing with the dog and our friend's cat while we're gone is a hassle and a half. Yes - for anyone out there who was wondering - this is definitely a sign I'm not ready to have children. So, there will be little to no blogging for the next month, but I'll be back in March! Thanks for reading everyone, send me an email if you're ever interested in what's happening with me, or if you have a fun story to tell yourself.

Oh, and my hip/buttock is moderately better these days. Physio has helled a bit, but it seems running, exercise and being very cautious with it also helps. Cured? I don't think so. But better. Okay, type to you later.


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